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‘IASCaire Feeder’ žvejų turnyras

“Tikrasis gerumas tylus. Jo atsargoje daug darbų ir nė vieno žodžio.”

Taip tyliai, jau 5 metus, IASCaire Feeder Fishing Clubžvejų klubas omo ir Dariaus iniciatyva organizuoja žvejų turnyrus vardan sergančių vaikų. Šiais metais turnyro metu lėšos buvo renkamo 9.5 metų Kirilui, surinkta 1062 eurai. Kirilo mama Marija Veličko labai nuoširdžiai dėkoja turnyro organizatoriams ir dalyviams. Dalinamės vieno iš turnyro dalyvių komentaru:

Nick Richards: “one of myfavourite matches of the year! Only down side of the day for me was the people that book onto the match then don’t turn up to support it without even a call or text to let the organisers know! Just bad manners in my book! On a more positive side Lough Garadice was its usual moody self with the fish hard come by but lack of fish was replaced by a lovely atmosphere fishing amongst great lads. Really pleased so much money was collected for this fantastic cause.Please put mine and Charlie’s name down for next year. Each and everyone of the organisers should be very proud of themselves for putting on such a great day for such a worthy cause ,other match organisers should look at how these lads do things ,very well done to all involved!!” 

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